BKI technical article and author reading by Jörg Koppelhuber on the new special volume on timber construction object data
The BKI – Building Cost Information Center of German Chambers of Architects – published the new Special Volume S6 – Object Data Timber Construction in mid-August 2024.
Numerous realized timber buildings of different categories – from single-family houses, office and commercial buildings to special timber buildings – are explained in detail and the statistical cost parameters for the different cost groups up to the 3rd level of DIN 276 (equivalent to ÖNORM 1801-1) are illustrated. Further information on the special volume can be found at https://bki.de/bki-objektdaten-sonderband-s6-holzbau
As part of the publication of this special volume, Jörg Koppelhuber has written one of three specialist articles. In the article entitled: “Technical and economic process optimization in timber system construction – prefabrication, standardization, tendering and calculation” Based on the paradigm shift in the construction industry that the author has long been calling for – away from on-site construction and towards prefabricated (timber) system construction – the book presents the development of timber construction to date and explains the planning and execution skills required for the successful implementation of timber construction. The increase in complexity and the expansion of the scope of services in timber construction in recent years play just as important a role as the topic of standardization and prefabrication. The topic of process optimization through and in timber system construction is addressed in clear graphics and timber construction-specific explanations. In addition, solution strategies for today’s construction with wood are presented. The main topic here is standardization in cost planning, tendering and calculation with options and tools specifically for practical implementation in timber construction. Current developments in the construction industry and a tangible presentation of possible cost traps in timber construction in the event of improper use without specific timber construction knowledge round off the specialist article.
The new special volume on timber construction was presented online in a BKI webinar on 20.02.2024, and Jörg Koppelhuber also presented and discussed the specialist article and the topic of timber construction and cost planning in general as part of this author reading.
This online article can be accessed via the following link: